Game Of Chess Pigeon

Refers to having a pointless debate with somebody utterly ignorant of the subject matter, but standing on a dogmatic position that cannot be moved with any amount of education or logic, but who always proclaims victory.
'Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.' -- Scott D. Weitzenhoffer (From an book review)
Man, trying to explain to those moon landingdeniers that the Apollo program was real is like playing pigeon chess -- all they do is knock the pieces over and crap on the board.
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Game Pigeon swoops in once again to take the title of the most popular iOS iMessage game. It’s a vast selection of different games (well over 20 by now), along with its recent resurgence in the iMessage portion of the app store, which has made it more popular than ever. Game Pigeon Plus! It’s wayyyyy overpriced. You have to pay $3 for custom skins, accessories, and ad free play? That’s a bit much considering the look of your props and avatar don’t matter to the game. And (most of the time) the ads don’t pop up in the middle of the game, they pop up when you’re waiting for the opponent.

Game Pigeon is just the most convenient way for me and my buddy to play chess and other games, since you can just pull it up in your text messages at anytime. Continue this thread level 1. She tried to play chess with a pigeon. Probably, never before has a candidate for President of the USA been so qualified as Hillary Clinton. Probably, never before has a candidate been so unqualified as Donald Trump. Hillary tried to beat him at her game: the politician’s game. She was more intelligent, more articulate, more prepared. Is arguing with liberals like trying to play chess with a pigeon? No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon (liberal) is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it's victorious. Arguing with a Christian is like playing chess with a pigeon.? You could be the greatest player in the world, but the pigeon will still knock over all the pieces, sh!t on the board and strut around triumphantly.

A wonderful time when somebody breaks into your house and eats your cookies, whilst replacing the food with presents. <3
'Look! It's Christmas! I wonder if the happychubby dude left me any presents!!'
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comes from an anonymous quotation to the effect that 'debating a (whoever) is like playing chess with a pigeon - it knocks over the peices, defecates on the board, and then flies back to its flock to brag about how it won'
by halconnen30mm March 24, 2009
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when groups play games with their pigeons (pigeons are losers who hang around a group and do everything the group tells them to because they think they are being accepted) like making their pigeons annoy eachother and even fight and it becomes a game for the entertainment of two or more groups that have pigeons
kid: i think that one group over there is playing pigeon chess with that other group cause last week one pigeon took another pigeons boxers off and threw them on the roof and today one pigeon just stole the another ones lunch
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Game Pigeon Chess Cheat

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Pigeon'Pigeon chess' or 'like playing chess with a pigeon'[note 1] is a figure of speech originating from a comment made in March 2005 on Amazon by Scott D. Weitzenhoffer[2] regarding Eugenie Scott's book Evolution vs. Creationism: An introduction:

Game Of Chess Pigeons

Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.
Game Of Chess Pigeon

As such 'debating techniques' are not limited to creationists, the phrase has entered the general Internet lexicon,[3] together with the source quotation, which is sometimes cited as an anonymous 'Internet law'. The reference to creationists is usually replaced with whatever group the user is arguing with.

Play Chess With A Pigeon

Andrew Schlafly was similarly described for his contributions to in 2002:[4] 'I tried it for a while, but arguing with Andy is like playing chess with a small child who doesn't know the rules.'

The 2007 cartoon 'King me!' by Rudis Muiznieks[5] uses a similar joke and has achieved some notice in the skepticsphere:[6]

(Above image copyright © 2007, Rudis Muiznieks. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License)

See also[edit]

  • Monkey typewriter theory — with enough pigeons and chess boards, we could find a grand master


  1. Not to be be confused with 'Playing Checkers With Pigeons' appearing in a Sesame Street sketch from 1978.[1]

External links[edit]

Game Pigeon Chess Android

Playing Chess With Pigeons - veteran Troy Britain's blog


  2. - though a commenter there claims that they 'came across it in 2001 attributed to 'anonymous/unknown.'
  3. Obligatory Urban Dictionary entry for 'pigeon chess'
  4. Richard Carnes on, March 15, 2002
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